
I have been following a thread where someone had commented about how
small the fonts were in Netscape and wanted to know how to change this. 
I went to a link that explained how to setup my fonts as 100dpi instead
of 75dpi.  After making the necessary changes in the /etc/X11/fs/config
file, I saved the changes, restarted the X Font Server and then
restarted X.  My fonts are still showing up the same way - very small at

Anyhow, one of the things I was suppose to do was run the following

rpm -qa | grep 100

to see if I had a 100dpi fonts package installed.  I typed this command
in as root but did not get any messages as to what it did.  I jut got
back an empty prompt.  I went to my fonts directory in
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/ and noticed several directories for different font
types - 75dpi, ttf, etc.  However, I did not see a directory for
100dpi.  It looks as if I need to install the 100dpi fonts package.

Would someone be able to tell me if I am correct in thinking this, and
if so, point me in a direction where I can find the 100dpi fonts and
documentation on how to install them.


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