Let me start again by saying,  I THINK THE RECORD INDUSTRY IS WRONG IN WHAT

If you notice, they are in civil court.  Why, because it is easier to get
what you want in a US Civil court.
You don't need all the jurors to agree, just most of them.  Lower standard
for winning,  easier to settle.

Heywire Mac,

What are your legal qualifications???
You stated <there is a HUGE difference between
theft and copyright violation, that is the way it has been laid down in
law for decades, if not centuries>

I would like to see your case law on that one.  Please post LEGAL REFERENCES
to back up your claims.
Do you know what case law is?  Simply, that is when an issue has already
been proven in court.

I have spend "a few days" in court in my prior career,  Guess what it was.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "HaywireMac" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] This is just sickening

> On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 12:19:47 -0400
> Lee Wiggers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > It does, however, feel very much like being mugged when you see your
> > product with another company's label.
> Yes, it does, and it is the price of doing business that one must be
> vigilant protecting one's IP, through civil and legal means that do not
> violate the constitution.
> Of course, NE is correct in that the democratic process is the way to
> get the kinds of practices engaged in by the RIAA and it's cohorts done
> away with. However, the RIAA has overstepped the boundaries of privacy,
> good taste, and dare I say, humanity, in this particular case, if not
> others.
> Keep in mind, also, that there is a big difference between unfair use of
> another's IP (ie. downloading a song you did not pay for), and
> commercial exploitation of another's IP. This little girl just wanted to
> listen to a coupla songs fer cryin' out loud! It's not like she was
> running a pirate CD store or something.
> I cannot emphasize the point enough, there is a HUGE difference between
> theft and copyright violation, that is the way it has been laid down in
> law for decades, if not centuries. The old "downloading a song is just
> like stealing the CD from the record store" line is bunk, and the
> product of spin doctors and lawyers who work for people who sold their
> soul a long time ago.
> -- 
> HaywireMac
> Registered Linux user #282046
> Homepage: nodex.sytes.net
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