On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Steve. 
> So I need to do the /mnt/windows everytime I restart Linux to have access
> to my windows drive then. Correct? Also, how do I navigate through dos?
> my files I need are on F: drive (under dos) and when I did that
> /mnt/windows it wrote everything to C: . This is not a problem however,
> it i have multiple files this could become a problem remembering what
> files I need to move over to Linux. 
Which partition is your F: drive on? Just change your
"mount" statement to reflect /dev/hdXX as your new
"/mnt/windows" area.
> Another thing. what about my zip drive. would it be
> easier to move my > Linux files that I donwload to the zip
> dirve and mnt it and access the > zip drive under linux or
> will that throw everything out since those disks a Vfat
> or whatever for windows? > 
Zip drives have their own problems....if you know how to
mount ONE Windows drive, you can mount any Windows drive
just be sure to specify which partition and drive you want
to mount.

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