Bryan Phinney wrote:

On Thursday 11 September 2003 09:36 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

I have this in my fstab,

/dev/sda1 /mnt/reader vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0

but like you it will not unmount in GUI I get umount: /mnt/reader:
device is busy

and ,
umount /mnt/reader
umount: /mnt/reader: device is busy

on the CL ,

so I have to reboot each time I change a card.

If you remove the entry above from fstab you will not have a device at
all unless you specifically make one on the command line like this,

mknod /dev/sda1 b 8 1

and then mount it

/dev/sda1 /mnt/reader

At any rate that is my experience, don't claim to be an expert.
This is with M9.1


One thing to keep in mind about mounted drives, especially with removable media is that once you mount the drive and open it up with any application, the drive will stay active until the application is closed. So, if I open a konqueror window and navigate to the removable drive, even if I then move back to a hard drive partition, the removable device will stay busy until I close Konqueror.

If I open a command prompt, cd to the /mnt/removable device and then cd back to /home/user, the device will still stay busy until I close the prompt. That is in the GUI.

It does the same thing with a CD or DVD device. Not sure if this is material but thought I would mention it just in case.

I feel that to be correct. The device remains open until closed , trouble is I cann't get it to close anywhich way,once opened, and so I cannot unmount.
I close the reader window, attempt unmount with rightmouse to to umount, and get that message.
So lets try that on the CL as well
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cd /mnt/reader
[EMAIL PROTECTED] reader]# ls
[EMAIL PROTECTED] reader]# cd dcim
[EMAIL PROTECTED] dcim]# cd 100v1310
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 100v1310]# ls
dsci0001.jpg* dsci0006.jpg* dsci0011.jpg* dsci0016.jpg* dsci0021.jpg*
dsci0002.jpg* dsci0007.jpg* dsci0012.jpg* dsci0017.jpg*
dsci0003.jpg* dsci0008.jpg* dsci0013.jpg* dsci0018.jpg*
dsci0004.jpg* dsci0009.jpg* dsci0014.jpg* dsci0019.jpg*
dsci0005.jpg* dsci0010.jpg* dsci0015.jpg* dsci0020.jpg*
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 100v1310]# cd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# umount /mnt/reader

ok so that appears to work now lets put another card in,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mount /mnt/reader
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1,
      or too many mounted file systems

I don't think it really closed the app before umounting

Seems like I got to remove the device and remake it again and then remount it to get the card to be read again, which is a pain , I might just as well reboot, but still I'm no expert I could be completely wrong. I mean the device is 9/10's there and it does work, but I still have this little glitch.


John Richard Smith

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