On Thursday 11 Sep 2003 4:45 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
> On Thursday 11 September 2003 16:49, Gilligan wrote:
> > My "E:" drive is Fat32 and owned by root. How can I change this
> > so it's owned by me? I've about RWX and groups,users,etc. Still
> > lost. Too much MicroSoft bull.
> The gui way would be to change ownership using the file manager as
> "su", right-clicking the directory and choosing "properties".
> Change ownership and or permissions in the there. Be sure to mark
> "apply to all subdiercties etc...." as well or you still won't get
> far:o)
> the console way (and quicker) would be (as "su")
> "chmod" or "chown". Read up on those using "man chown" on the same
> commandline.
I think it is not possible to change ownership or permissions on a 
fat32 drive.  It's still possible to use the 'user' flag and rw in 
the fstab line, though.

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