Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

> ... Wheres is the output from under X? i assume your shell is bash also?

Yes, indeed... I launch rxvt

I found that if I launch rxvt with the -ls option, my colors appear....

"This option indicates that the shell that is started in the xterm window will
be a login shell (i.e., the first character of  argv[0]  will be  a  dash,
indicating  to  the shell that it should read the user's .login or .profile)."
(taken from the xterm manual page, basically the same...)

In my .bashrc I see the lines

# Need for a xterm & co if we don't make a -ls
[ -n $DISPLAY ] && {
    . /etc/profile.d/
     export XAUTHORITY=$HOME/.Xauthority

Is this related ? I don't see the relationship with

Thanks for your help.

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