On Thursday 11 September 2003 01:44 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:

> Have to agree with Anne.  Till linux becomes more pervasive, ppl who
> can only turn the comp on & nothing else (and most don't want to know
> more) won't use linux nor is it feasible for them to be using it.  They
> have (often) no one to call if something goes wrong.  INcluding tech
> support @ a local Future shop who won't toucha comp if it doesn't run
> windows.  Ditto ISPs & other vendors.

Well, Lindows is now offering 24 hour tech support by phone for $80 per year, 
unlimited incidents.  Again, I am not suggesting that we try to replace the 
concept of windows with Linux by any means, I am suggesting that we position 
this as, you are not buying the software, you are buying the labor/knowledge 
that it takes to get the software installed and working correctly for what 
you want to do with it.  Much like you would pay someone to cut down and 
remove trees from a yard that needs to be cleared.

Once a competent person sets up a Linux system, it should, for practical 
purposes, be pretty much maintenance free as long as the tasks that they 
needed to do were identified from the beginning and they resist the urge to 
muck about with it.

Computers are not easy to setup and work on, certainly not any easier than an 
automobile and most people would not expect to be able to build and repair a 
car themselves, why should they expect to be able to do something similar 
with a computer?  Microsoft has oversold themselves, you can make a computer 
easy to install and maintain or you can make it secure and stable, you simply 
can not do both.  Once someone understands that, they should be ready for the 
plunge to Linux.  

Using publicity about worms, viruses, trojans, spyware, and the like, all 
associated with Windows, should be enough to convince them of the accuracy of 
that prospect.

> For now, seeing seniors use linux or any segment of the population that
> is of the mindset a comp shold be like a toaster (it just works), is a
> pipe dream.

I agree that it is a pipe dream and we should start with fully communicating 
that it is a pipe dream with Windows just as it is a pipe dream with Linux.  
Trying to teach someone to secure windows, or even to operate it without 
major problems is no more difficult than to teach someone to operate with 
Linux.  There are some things that are too complex, others that can be done.  
Once we identify which of those things they are capable of, they can pay 
professionals to do the other.  

I can either stick with the status quo or I can agitate at every possible step 
for a better way.  I choose to not let a single chance go by where I can 
suggest to everyone and anyone that Linux is a better way.  If they choose to 
go the windows route, at least they do so with the knowledge that there was 
an alternative.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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