On Thu, 11 Sep 2003 11:44:15 -0600
Heather/Femme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled furiously:

> Have to agree with Anne.  Till linux becomes more pervasive, ppl who
> can only turn the comp on & nothing else (and most don't want to know
> more) won't use linux nor is it feasible for them to be using it.  They
> have (often) no one to call if something goes wrong.  INcluding tech
> support @ a local Future shop who won't toucha comp if it doesn't run
> windows.  Ditto ISPs & other vendors.
> For now, seeing seniors use linux or any segment of the population that
> is of the mindset a comp shold be like a toaster (it just works), is a
> pipe dream.
My one experience in this areas has been quite different though.  About
two years ago, my Father-in-law (now 78) got his first computer ever.  He,
and his daughter (my bride's sister) got Dell's, but ignored most of my
advice:  they let them install ME; winmodem, etc.  Well my sister-in law
lives four hours away, so it was up to be to provide technical assistance
for Dad (I'm only about 20 minutes away...)
After about 8 months of virii, user error catastrophies and other
predicatable problems, I wiped his hard drive clean and installed RH 8.0. 
It's been OVER a year now and he hasn't had a problem since.  He really
just wants to e-mail friends (and my son in college), browse the web, play
a few simple games, keep his check book, relatively simple tasks.  I never
gave hime the root pass word so he can't screw it up too badly.  Whenever
I visit I do any necessary upgrades, but nothing significant.  It all
"just works" for him and meets HIS needs for a computer.

"The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30
years of his life."
--Muhammad Ali

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