Lee Wiggers wrote:

<snip, major>

Thank you all.

I love this community as much as the os.

The real beauty is that everyone is willing to take a stab at it, no
matter what.  That's a rare thing in real life.

Brant's input was exactly what I wanted.  It let me distribute the
oo files across the 11 desktops so that I can have every module
ready for display before the lecture begins, without the annoying
jump to the next set with oo hanging out on the projector.

I haven't tried anything yet in mdk that didn't have several working
approaches.  Amazing stuff.

If my last two windows problems would go away, I would switch the
whole office in a heartbeat..........Act! and Quickbooks.

Next year will see a server based replacement for both that works,
but not just yet, AFAIK.


Glad you got it working.

Another way to switch between windows that are grouped together is by middle-clicking on the group in the taskbar. It will cycle through them in the order they were opened (I think).

Brant Fitzsimmons

Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 | http://counter.li.org/
   AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.16mm-mdk
               KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
12:20:00 up 5 days, 23:36,  1 user,  load average: 0.41, 0.39, 0.36

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Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
                                -Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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