On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 09:19:49 -0500, Tom Brinkman
>     You shouldn't need 'ls -l'.  Check to see, type 'alias ll' in a 
> console, EG,
> tom $ alias ll
> alias ll='ls -l'
>     It's long been a standard alias that Mandrake uses. To see all 
> of 'em (including any you've created) just type 'alias'.
>    For displaying large outputs, use  'll |less'  and then you can 
> Arrow, Page down, or scroll with your mouse down thru the output, 
> either a page or line at a time.  EG,
>           'll |less /usr/bin'

That I did not know. The only problem is when you install, say, Debian,
type "cd.." and it slaps you in the face because it wanted "cd .."

Or worse still, you get used to typing "rm" and having the -i switch
aliased in, and then go to A.N. Other distro...

"Get up and turn I loose"

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