On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 12:09, HaywireMac wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 17:43:27 +0200
> Benjamin Pflugmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > Just to clarify. RMS does not want the Linux kernel name to have any
> > "GNU" extension. What RMS wants is that Linux based *distributions*
> > and anyone referring to such Linux based distributions by the label
> > "Linux" uses "GNU/Linux" instead, in order to give proper credits to
> > GNU's part of such a distro.
> > 
> > If you are interested in more details, you can read the FSF side of
> > the story here (warning: it is heavily biased by idiology):
> > 
> >   http://www.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-linux-faq.html#why
> Hmmm, I can see his point. The kernel is all Linus' work, sure, but as
> it says here:
> "Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the
> machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an
> essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can
> only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is
> normally used in a combination with the GNU operating system: the whole
> system is basically GNU, with Linux functioning as its kernel."
> Source:
> http://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html
> I guess this is why Debian refers to itself as "Debian GNU/Linux". This
> is one reason I have always had a sentimental desire to at least make a
> serious effort at trying Debian, is the absolute commitment to
> non-commercial code (distinctions between free-as-in-speech and
> free-as-in-beer acknowledged). 
I think you can and should say the same for Mandrakesoft and Mandrake
the community as well. the GPL version is all GPL to the best of anyones
ability, as far as I know.

> Does anyone know what Linus' response or argument to this is?
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