On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 13:25:56 -0300
Josenildo Marques <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> I see you point and I agree with you, but I'd like to add something
> else to the stew. For what it is worth.
> We are political and ideological beings and there is no escaping from
> it. If you do something because you believe it is fun and it may help
> people have fun it' s an ideological viewpoint. Paradoxically. So we
> could call it the ideology of fun. Ideology is a way through which we
> see the world. Ancient peoples like the greeks thought a mountain was
> a sacred place where the gods lived. In our times, a mountain is just
> a place where people can extract minerals from. See what i mean ?
> I also think that people wanted to keep the name short. So "Linux" is
> much better than "GNU/Linux" for marketing, etc.

I always liked this quote, and what you wrote brought it to mind:

"Athens built the Acropolis. Corinth was a commercial city, interested
in purely materialistic things. Today we admire Athens, visit it,
preserve the old temples, yet we hardly ever set foot in Corinth."

- Dr. Harold Urey, Nobel Laureate in chemistry

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