On Saturday 13 September 2003 07:23 pm, Bryan Phinney wrote:
> On Saturday 13 September 2003 06:07 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
> > HaywireMac wrote:
> > >MS fubars the internet, and it's our fault...
> > >
> > >http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=528&ncid=528&e=3&u=/ap/2
> > >00 30911/ap_on_hi_te/digitally_informed
> >
> > If they had a real forum we could tear it up with facts instead of the
> > current paranoia directed at an innocent party.  How may of theses
> > vulnerabilities were created by those upon whom they seek to impose a
> > license requirement?
> >
> > Unless the licensee works at MS, not one fscking one!
> You know the most ironic thing about that, the people who would actually be
> able to get a license, don't need it and the ones who do need it couldn't
> get it.  You don't need a license to get on the Internet, you should need a
> license to operate a MS Windows computer, that is where it is needed.

If you buy a product any product and its misbehave to the point its harms you 
or some other people you can sue the manufacture of such product. Sadly, this 
is not a case with software manufacturers. In the case of the car imagine 
that oil manufacturers produce an oil that stalls your car when you turn on 
windshield wiper. The company will be sued in non existence. M$ produce an OS 
that have problem after problem and who get blamed, users who use it 
according to specification.
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