On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 08:47, Anarky wrote:
> Richard Urwin wrote:
> >I've just come across this, and I don't remember seeing it on here 
> >before.
> >
> >The new features in Linux 2.6: http://www.kniggit.net/wwol26.html
> >
> >(HeywireMac, note that filesystem capability support is in there. My 
> >bad.)
> >
> >IIRC someone recently noted that 2.6test2 was in MDK contribs. Only one 
> >machine here, don't want to mess it up. Like the cat who ate the cheese 
> >I will wait for the mouse with baited breath.
> >
> >  
> >
> :-))
>     so hwo hard do you think would having a 2.6 kernel starting from a 
> 9.2 rc2 or a 9.2 be ? on my 9.1 even when I tried just the mutlimedia 
> kernel X wouldn't start anymore :(
do you have a Nvidia or other high end (ati 8000 or higher)Video card
and had installed the PROPRIETARY drivers for good 3d? then you should
of run the installer again when you had new Kernels. as it stated in the
page where you got the drivers the first time. 

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