On Sat, 2003-09-20 at 03:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In the special relativistic frame of reference you describe time would
> appear to slow as you *approach* the speed of light.  Exceeding it would
> not be necessary and, iirc, time would seem to reverse if you somehow did
> manage to do it.  Doesn't much matter since there's all sorts of asymptotic
> behavior as you approach that value, infinite energy requirements, infinite
> size results, etc.  (Which is why most modern SF doesn't bother with
> lightspeeds and instead folds space, creates additional dimensions or
> hyperspaces, of simply has things "move" from hither to yon without
> explanation.)

Maybe this is an instance where a particular "fold" in the time/space
continuum has passed through Margot's habitat and caused her such
disruptions in what she would otherwise know as "normal time"?

Either that or too much grog...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
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