that maximum mount count message is, I believe, Linux
automatically defragging the partition. It occurs
regularly especially if you are in a big hurry to
booted up.

--- "PSM 0x2710]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Firstly thanks to everyone who offered insight as to
> the Office Suite question.
> Another question for any interested parties.  At
> boot i get the following
> message:
> /dev/hda5 has reached maximum mount count, check
> forced. . .
> could someone tell me what that's in reference to
> and how i might go about
> fixing that?  Thanks all!
> --
> Seth Gibson
> (Under
> Construction)
> To paraphrase my friend stephen:
> "life can be like that great ifs. screensaver .
> .random garbage goes in and
> beautiful things come out."


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