On Monday 22 Sep 2003 3:05 pm, Lee Wiggers wrote:
> My first VMWare experiment was a flop.  Install was on a 1.1 Gig
> Athlon box w/128meg sdram.
> Result was very slooooooooooooooow win2k on a slow mdk 9.1.
> I need kde or there's no point trying to migrate.
> I panicked and reinstalled win2k.
> So, any input would be appreciated.  More memory?  Faster cpu? All
> of the above? Any other suggestions.
More memory, I guess.  I don't run vmware, but win4lin runs win98 for 
me as fast as it ever ran natively (and it's stable!).  This on an 
Athlon 900 with 512MB RAM

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