I do have two separate directories (.mozilla and .thunderbird). Mozilla still refuses to run when Thunderbird is running, giving me some obscure error, to which I have no idea what it means. The message reads:

"Error launching browser window: TypeError: Components.classes['@mozilla.org/appshell/component/browser/instance;1'] has no properties"

However, if I have Mozilla running, and then run Thunderbird, things work just fine.



Sharrea Day wrote:

On Thu, 25 Sep 2003 02:31, Terry Sheltra wrote:

I've just installed Thunderbird 0.2. One problem I have is that while
I'm using it, I can't run Mozilla (even if I try to start it without
clicking on some link in an email message). I read around Bugzilla
about this problem, but have absolutely no idea what people are talking
about (I'm not all that programming-savvy). Could someone help try to
explain how to fix this problem in more simple terms?

Downloaded 0.2 today. -- Renamed the old thunderbird install directory
-- created a new temporary "tbird" directory
-- copied the file to the new directory
-- changed to the new directory
-- untarred the tar.bz2 file
-- moved the actual "thunderbird" directory directly under /usr/local
-- changed to the /usr/local directory
-- removed the temporary "tbird" directory

# mv /usr/local/thunderbird /usr/local/old_thunderbird
# mkdir -p /usr/local/tbird
# cp /home/sharrea/downloads/thunderbird-0.2-i686-pc-linux-gtk2-gnu.tar.bz2 /usr/local/thunderbird/
# cd /usr/local/thunderbird/
# tar xjf thunderbird-0.2-i686-pc-linux-gtk2-gnu.tar.bz2
# mv thunderbird ../
# cd ../
# rm -Rf tbird/

-- Fired up thunderbird and checked my email.
-- While thunderbird still open, opened mozilla and checked my email.

Both working fine.

Perhaps you don't have separate .thunderbird and .mozilla directories in your home directory (ie. ~/.thunderbird and ~/.mozilla)?



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-- Terry Sheltra PC Support Technician/Asst. Network Administrator University of Virginia School of Architecture 434.982.3047 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Available via instant messenger -- Composed on a 100% Microsoft-free PC Registered Linux User #218330 --

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