John Aldrich wrote:

> Ahh...Ok. :-) That explains a lot. :-) It won't work under Linux. Not
> yet, at least... There's no drivers for WinModems (not sure if there
> EVER will be... <G>)
>         John

Ummm, John, it appears while we were guarding the Maginot Line, someone did an
end run.

Not only are there drivers, there is an OEM Linmodem for sale.  Yeppers, HSP
on a world class operating system.  Kinda makes you want to vomit, huh?

Well, at least we know the support will never be in the kernel.

In economics, "The cheap drives out the dear."  When sandwich coins came
along, the silver ones vanished almost overnight.  Perhaps that is the way of
it for consumer computers as well.  ISPs now need to worry about linux
customers hovering round the help desk for connectivity problems as well as
the folks who buy windows computers with those terrible signal conditioners.
Actually, they are not terrible and should have application as an inexpensive
replacement for Dialogic cards for telephony, but they are definitely
misapplied as modem-like devices.

Anyway the friendly folks at PC-Tel have decided to visit this horror on us.
I wonder if they are related to PCChips/Hsing Labs, et al?


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