I have been using "Guichooser" which can be found here.                                
It allows me to choose between KDE, Gnome, Afterstep, Blackbox, Enlightenment,
Fvwm, Ice, Windowmaker and Xfce.  You can see I like to try everything (at
least once).

On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Hey,
>   Currently, my x desktop consists of enlightenment and gnome.  I'd
> like to try some of the other gnome-complient window managers (and
> blackbox).  How do I go about changing my window manager in the newest
> version of Mandrake?
> Regards,
>   cyberclay
> ---
> cclay at fastlane dot net
> http://www.abednego.com
Kenneth Archer + San Antonio, Texas
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