My son-in-law just dumped his Windows2000 after the latest attack 
from virus,  worms and BSODs. I talked him into trying MDK 9.1. 
Everything seemed to go well until he tried to connect. That's 
why it is a little difficult for me to help him out, 'cause we 
are 400 kilometes apart. So - until further progress is made - 
we must communicate over phone line.

His problem is modem related. It is an E-Tech 56K Flex V.90. 
Extern hardware modem. It seems to come with a Rockwell chipset. 
When running drakconnect, he can go as far as to query the 
modem. Then : nothing. No strings, no connection, nada.

I've googled around to no avail. Doesn't show up on the 
compatibility lists, be it Mandrake, RedHat or S.u.S.E.. Some 
posts on mailing lists claims it incompatible, some not.

Questions :

1. Does anyone here know if it is compatible ?
2. If it isn't : what modems are ?

Thanks in advance,

Kaj Haulrich. 

*This mail was sent from a 100 % Microsoft free computer* 

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