Lance Cummings wrote:
Okay, before I go out and smell the dioxins, there is one item of urgent (for me, anyway) business:

Please look at the following URL in both Mozilla and Konqueror:

I know you probably can't read Japanese (most of you anyway). It's okay. <g>

You will probably notice a difference between Mozilla and Konqueror right away on this page: The Mozilla implementation seems complete; some things are clearly missing in Konqueror. However, the Konqueror page seems much more readable (what there is of it) -- fonts sharper, whatever (I set my fonts larger in Konqueror, which helps dramatically, but doesn't seem to help in Mozilla).

Looked at it in both Moz and Konq - I don't read Japanese, but on my setup there seem to be bits visible in Konq that are missing in Moz. But my Moz installation seems dodgy anyway - I often get bits missing that are clearly visible in Konq.

The user shouldn't have to change view settings to read a page if the coding is done correctly - most users won't bother anyway and will just look elsewhere.

It is up to the producer to code the font face family in the correct order so it looks good in all browsers. There's a useful article here: (but I don't know what order Japanese fonts should go in - sorry!)


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