On Sunday 28 Sep 2003 10:12 am, Lance Cummings wrote:
> SK> After viewing the page source, I am of the opinion that the
> page was SK> done in FP2000 or XP...but I could be wrong...
> Okay, I well understand I think, but right or wrong is not the
> question. I have to do business with these people Monday through
> Friday, every day of the year except national holidays.  So, I need
> a comfortable view of what they are providing, regardless of their
> adherence to STANDARDS.  <g>  My question at this point is how do I
> comfortably view their output, regardless of how oblivious to or
> complicitous with the Redmond monopoly they might be? Redmond be
> damned, I have to look at that site, every day, so I need a way to
> see that site completely and correctly, regardless of the
> shortsightedness of the webmaster.
I was very surprised at what I saw there, as I usually find that 
Konqueror copes with pages that do not display correctly in Mozilla, 
not the other way round.

The situation is , however, that if pages are not constructed to look 
well in both IE and non-M$ bowsers the only thing you can do is have 
a number of browsers available and try until you find one that works.  
Undesirable, but that is reality.  Pages will not display identically 
in different browsers, but should be reasonable in all.  If they are 
not they are badly written, and there is no answer to that.

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