yankl wrote:
On Sunday 28 September 2003 05:26 am, Margot wrote:

yankl wrote:

On Saturday 27 September 2003 08:15 pm, Margot wrote:

Dennis Myers wrote:

On Saturday 27 September 2003 05:37 pm, Margot wrote:

Dennis Myers wrote:

On Saturday 27 September 2003 02:11 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:

Margot is having a problem.  If you use AC97 on-board sound, will you
please tell us what HardDrake calls your card, and what driver it is
using?  Thanks


I have AC97 on-board running and it uses snd-via82xx as the driver Mine does not work either except I can play the CD with grip, not xmms. Sorry not much help.

Might be a route worth following - had a look at grip, and at least it recognises the CD and gives me a track listing, which is more than I get

from xmms. Still no sound though....

You've told us your driver. What sound card does MCC say you have, and
how did you get it there?

It says my sound card is VIA Technologies VT8233. I did not have to do anything, it was autodetected on install. Have you perchance checked the bios to see if the onboard sound is set to auto and not disabled? Just fumbling in the dark with that, cause I do not recall if you said you had made sure it was turned on. HTH

Nobody has mentioned bios yet...how do I check it, and how do I change it if wrong?

It all depends on the computer you have.

Warning, it could be dangerous to play with your BIOS, if you do not know
what specific parameter does do not change it.

All following is for DESKTOP ONLY, laptop is an other story.

Right after rebooting your PC press on of the following buttons.
Not always true.
F10 - DELL
ESC - Old Gateway
F2 - PakardBell

Look for a message that say Press <some button> to access setup
You will get insight BIOS settings. BIOS stands for - basic input output
system. It's looks like nc or mc. Usually, but not all ways, arrows will
move you through the system. Usually, but not always, on board sound is
turned off/on in advance menu under pci devices. It is a good idea to
reference documentation of your motherboard.

Thanks. I had to use Del to access the setup (tried all your options first, then started working my way through the keyboard until something worked!). Have now enabled OnBoard AC97 Audio.

Have checked MCC - now showing two soundcards! The original non-existent
one, plus VT8233 AC97 Audio Controller using driver snd-via8233.

How do I remove the non-existent one from the list and how do I get the
CD player etc to recognise the real one?

Edit as root /etc/sysconfig/soundcard

No such file on my system (9.0). I've checked all locations. Would it be hiding under another name? Or should I create the file? If so, what should it contain?

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