On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> I think it would be useful if the information on decorum for this list were placed 
>in the
> majordomo welcome, along with a short tutorial on how to turn off HTML for those who 
> realize it.  I know how to do it for Netscape, but I am among the unwashed masses 
>who have
> NEVER used Microsoft Outlook.
Based on the number of "remove" requests posted to the list, the
actual number of people who actually *READ* the welcome message is
probably quite small. Thus, the chances of the "Nettiquette" tutorial
having any effect is negligible. However, if it saved us ONE post in
HTML, I suppose it'd be worth it, and it wouldn't be that much
trouble, as it would automatically go out with the 'welcome'
message... just create that "nettiquette" tutorial once and it would
go out automatically from there. :-)

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