On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 16:36:44 -0400
HaywireMac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> insightfully noted:

>This is just priceless:
I had read this earlier and I agree with your assessment ;o)
>"Other operating systems like Linux, Unix and Macintosh, experts say,
>all have security vulnerabilities. "But they don't get the attention and
>the attacks because, unlike Microsoft, the other technologies are not
>deployed on 300 million computers," said Russ Cooper, a security expert
>at TruSecure, a computer security company. "This is not just Microsoft's
>Oh, really? I think Unix is deployed on more machines than MS, is it
>not? Isn't it Unix that *runs the freaking internet*? LOL!
No and Yes, I would think.  If we count desktops M$ is clearly on more boxes
that unix.  Servers, of course might be another story.  *nix dominates on the
internet for sure.
>Source (if you can call it that):
>Please, if you have a minute, do as I am doing and write a little note
>explaining some of this to the NY Times...
>You gotta sign up/register, but it's free...
I'll look forward to seeing your letter.  Will you sign it JH or haywire? ;-)

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