as a followup, i wrote to the author of the cd-writing howto.  i asked
if one wrote to a cdrw the same way one writes to a cdr.  he replied
that there was no difference in writing but that the cdrw should be
blanked before rewriting.  

i asked the original question because when i was in windows, i had to
use special software to write cdrw.  i have now discovered, like so many
other windows products, it is unneeded.

thanks for the replies guys


John Aldrich wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > since i dont want to mess up a perfectly good cdrw disc, is it alright
> > to write to them as i would any cdr?  in other words, are there any
> > special tricks or is it business as usual?
> >
> > [yes or no would be an appropriate answer, not a lecture on my reading
> > skills]
> >
> Caveat: I don't have one yet, but I intend to purchase a CDRW. :-)
> It should work just fine to use a CDRW as a plain CDR. At least from
> what I've been reading here. :-)
>         John

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