Thank you for not using HTML. It is appreciated, but, when someone
responds as this person did, it is not at all acceptable. We are not
whining about HTML, we are expecting a level of good net ettiquet
when it comes to using a mail list. This is the same ettiquet
expected on a news group. The use of HTML in these two media is
inconsiderate and impolite, and since the vast majority of those
using this mail list have been on the net from Windoze, it is not
unreasonable to expect that they will observe good manners when
requesting assistance. After all, if you ask your neighbor to do
something for you, will you ask in a manner that will make it more
dificult for the neighbor to be of assistance? That would not be
reasonable. And if a user has such a low level of self respect that
being instructed to turn off the HTML is offensive to said user, then
said user really needs to work on self esteem. Flames will not
improve either the user's self image, or the chances for recieving
assistance. Well that's my position on this subject,


On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, Jaguar wrote:
> BTW this is NOT being sent in HTML
> About the guy who flamed getting flamed re: being TOLD to turn off HTML...I
> can agree with some of his opinion.
> Matt Stegman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > First tip: turn off HTML in your mail client when posting to this list.
> > Plenty of us use mail clients that don't handle HTML too well, and tend to
> disregard posts using HTML- or flame those who use it.
> So either quit whining about the use of HTML, or get a better Mail reader
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