On Fri, 03 Oct 2003 08:41:20 +1000
Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> http://biz.yahoo.com/rc/031002/tech_microsoft_security_1.html

" Microsoft, which received and reviewed the complaint, said it would
fight the attempt to certify the lawsuit as a class action.

"This complaint misses the point. The problems caused by viruses are the
result of criminal acts by people who write viruses," said Microsoft
spokeswoman Stacy Drake, adding that Microsoft was working with
authorities to bring malicious code writers to justice."


Now the car comparison again.

"Ford, which received and reviewed the complaint, said it would
fight the attempt to certify the lawsuit as a class action.

"This complaint misses the point. The problems are caused by car thieves
who commit criminal acts when they encounter no locks on the doors,
and are able to start the car with a pen-knife," said Ford
spokeswoman Stupid Head, adding that Ford was working with
authorities to bring these wily car thieves to justice."

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