Hello HaywireMac,

Wednesday, October 1, 2003, 6:31:39 AM, you wrote:

H> I did my own very small part yesterday, I couldn't convince a
H> friend to switch to Linux, but I got them to use Mozilla and
H> Thunderbird instead of the usual virus-spreaders.

I try to get all M$ users to stop using M$ software even if they wish
to keep running Win. If they don't mind a modest cost, check out
TheBat for email. It is probably the most secure and private client
available for Win. It's also a really nice client, too. :-) My choice
to replace IE is Opera, which is also available for linux.

Help stamp out M$ any way we can. If we can get as many M$ users as
possible started using non-M$ software, it gets them thinking in the
right direction. Every little bit helps.


 rikona                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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