On Fri, 03 Oct 2003 17:48:47 +1000
Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> * Tyres 2mm thick that puncture when you're on the road
> * An engine that rumbles nicely whilst parked, but dies when you get
> on the road
> * No seatbelts and no air-bag cushions
> * You can only seat one
> * You don't choose the colour or style of the car
> * You don't really choose the music on the stereo - it's chosen for
> you and you decide from what's already chosen what you want to listen
> to.* There is no windscreen
> * There are no mirrors
> * No locks of whatever type or kind
> * The steering wheel is not bolted to the column
> * You have to purchase petro from only one source, and that source is
> 1000km away so you have to ship it to the vehicle - your cost.
> * The maker flatly denies any responsibility for anything that ever
> happens to the vehicle once it's sold to you.

You haven't actually read the *entire* EULA, have you?!

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