Anarky wrote:

you know something that i would really LOOVE to see? A 10cd distribution Linux (preferably made out of Mandrake) ... that would be something awesome ! Then i'd download it and share it with everybody I know ... and everybody would go .. wooooowww ... 10cds .. imagine the amount of data .. adn the funny thing is that it's possible .. theoretically ... since afaik the people who are good at making stuff would only have to add software upon software to constitute this mega distro ... and there's loads of software around ... and imagine the re-selling possibilities, and thus the marketing possibilities of such a distro ... why? for at least 2 reasons:

1) for people quantity == much work put into it, thus quality product

2) but more importantly .. it would really be a LOT of software .. in all areas imaginable .. and what linux lacks in certain software areas (some hardware support, some games, professional music software ...) it could be replaced by the sheer excitement of discouvering so many types of programs for so many types of things ... it would fill people with awe (or at least my computer enthusiast friends) ... even those who'd normally think ... linux ??? why?? you can't do anything with it (eg. "you can't share software with your friends on it" most of the time ... that meaning windows software) ... because now you could obviously do a lot of stuff with 10 cds worth of data & lots of software .... heck on 10 cds you could have so many free games that even the hardcore gamer might be caught by one of those even if it's not his wanted *** windows title.

.... if anybdoy feels the same way as me ... where could we pitch this idea with people with enough knowledge & power to actually do this?

what I actually ment here is something like a set of cds of additional software ... not comercial .. but simply a collected bunch of software freely available on the web in mandrake rpms. I would love to download such huge software packs and discouver in them all sorts of weird software people have cooked up ... like who knows what kind of time tracking tool, or free music making software, or 3d (especially) software like k3d, blender, povray, yafray ... possibly a disk made by users for users.

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