On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> FYI - the motherboard is an IWill BD100plus which is a really well designed
> board. The vendor I have build my private label boxes recomended them and
> BCM/GVC. I tried BCM first and had BAD success when it comes down to BIOS
> updates - they don't update! As well, their tech support was lacking,
> unorganized web site, etc... IWill has been professional and organized - and
> well supporting of the under-dog OS's I like to work with.
May I suggest you look at Penguin Computing in the future? At least
for straight linux boxes. :-) Don't know how their price compares
(haven't really researched it) but at least you know that if it works
in Linux, chances are it'll work under other O/S's! :-)
Note: I do NOT work for them and have no relationship with them. I
just saw their poster/ad in Linux Journal (check it out! <G>) and
liked their philosophy! :-)

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