On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 21:02:55 +0200, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> I just now was extremely glad to have a proper backup.
> With a filemanager called FR (File Roller), I checked out a strange 
> directory in $HOME called  'shelf'. I don't know where that dir came 
> from. But following that dir down, it got to
> $HOME/shelf/Programs/$HOME. In the programs there was my entire home
> dir, which I could follow down AGAIN.
> On going up the foldertree, coming from 'shelf' back into $HOME, $HOME
> turned out to be empty.
> Does anyone have such a 'shelf' directory? Does anyone know where it 
> came from?
> I updated my backup strategy to skip 'shelf'...
> Just a friendly warning that you do not fall into the same strange
> black hole I did.
> Paul

I've seen nested recursive folders in ~/.openoffice. Couldn't work out
why copying /home took all night - and filled my backup partition.

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