On Tuesday 14 October 2003 23:22, Dennis Myers wrote:
> I will second the bittorrent sux, I have had it running most of the day and
> still can not get a d/l started.  Not connecting with a tracker. : (
> Dennis M. linux user #180842

At the moment: Can't even login at club.
I'd like to see if I can get a price cut on pre-orders as a (life) member.
Oh well, plenty of days to come....ya should see the traffic on #mandrake on 
this issue:) Why do free-loaders always want to jump the queue too?
Won't change much for me anyway, as I've been keeping cooker up to date:)

Good luck,

P/S, I'm a happy man...I just (re)found all my Stanley Clark LP's in the 
attic.....and playing 'em all day.
Man! Was/is he goooood:)
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