On Friday 17 Oct 2003 3:56 am, stormjumper wrote:
> > >>Most newbies tend to lurk for a few days before posting, so
> > >> most of them would see the message before making their first
> > >> post to the list, and so would be able to avoid making
> > >> embarrassing mistakes!
> > >>
> > >>Margot
> > >
> > > http://mandrake.vmlinuz.ca/bin/view/Main/MandrakeMailingListEti
> > >quette - --
> >
> > Thanks Charlie, that page is exactly what we need - now, does
> > anyone have the technical expertise to post this link to the list
> > on a weekly basis, with a short covering message, so that newbies
> > who are really new to the list and haven't yet discovered the
> > TWiki can find it?
> >
> > Margot
> that is a good suggestion.
> however, the wiki has grown alot since when it was set up, and now,
> for a noob, it is pretty bewildering.
> so a link to the wiki is useful, but not *that* useful unless you
> already what the question to ask is.
> also, the problem with consistent list reminders is content.
> the existing readers start ignoring it after a while, unless there
> is someone who consistently does a good and concise "what's new"
> section, or better still, generates content based on what's new at
> the wiki (and i think wat's currently on the wiki's "Changes" page
> is good enuff for the list reminder).
> and new readers more often than not need an immediate answer,
> meaning that may not lurk long enough to see the FAQ/List
> Reminder/watever u call it.
> sorry for the wet blanket.
> i know i'm highlighting problems w/o offering solutions
> Stormjumper

Not really a wet blanket, as problems are there to be solved.  We have 
done a lot of work in the past month or so to make it more 
accessible, but the big problem is lack of feedback.  What we really 
need to improve it, is for a few people to be able to spare some time 
to start from WebHome, follow the links that tell you how to use it, 
then report back to us what is awkward, and specifically what 
improvements they would like to see.

There are areas on pages where discussion can take place, but I see no 
reason why they must be used for this purpose (leave that bit for the 
people looking for solutions, if you like).  Just post comments to 
the list, and we'll see what can be done.

Registered Linux User No.293302
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