----- Original Message -----
From: Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2003 21:33:43 +0100
Subject: Re: [newbie] printer config ques

> > 
> >
> > Thanks for the reply Anne, much appreciated. I tried as you
> > suggested, with xpp and the margins increased several points
> > from the default 36 up to 44, to no apparent avail. I even
> > increased the bottom margin further to 52...still lost lines.
> > Do I have to run xpp su'd to root to make these margins
> > changes?? The alterations I made thus far seem to have had no
> > effect at all.
> >
> > I tried updating my TurboPrint driver to the latest (I think
> > latest). No help there.
> >
> > Can you give further of your kind advice dear Anne? :-)
> >
> I found this a frequent problem with some apps but not others.  What 
> app are you trying to print from?  Is there another that you could 
> try for the same job?  Would you like to post a file that gives you 
> this problem, telling us what you were using to view/print it?
> Anne

Thanks yet again Anne. I seem to be having this problem from a variety of 
apps. It has occurred thus far with Konqueror, Kmail, KWrite, Opera, and with 
various files. I have been using .xsession-errors as a test file.

I thought I had the latest version of TurboPrint, but I did not. So, I installed 
their latest "turboprint-1.84-1.i386.rpm". Now it seems that in the latest 
version they have decided to have a TurboPrint banner ad print on each 
and every page that you print.....obscuring part of your document! 
It states: 
"This is TurboPrint FreeEdition. To print without this logo, 
please purchase a license key at www.turboprint.de" 

This would occur in previous versions when you made a choice of high 
quality output, but now it is appearing in the default setup. :-(
I will re-install the older version (1.83-1).

I am very frustrated right now, and I am going for a walk. I have been 
trying to sort this out for hours now, and my anxiety level is higher than 
it should be. (my ink is running low too;-))
I will resume this at a later time.

Thank you Anne for your assistance....you are a living treasure indeed. :-)



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