On Tue, Oct 19, 1999 at 10:03:57PM -0600, Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Two more bugs to report:
> > 
> > 1)  By default, Mandrake attempts to turn on DMA for available IDE devices. 
> > Attempting to copy the contents of a CDROM to my hard drive, I encountered
> > the following errors:
> Um, no 6.1 shiped without the ide patch

What does that mean??  My boot logs show "DMA" turned on for the hard drive
and CDROM.  /etc/rc.d/init.d/mandrake_everytime DOES seem to affect whether
DMA is turned on at the end of the boot.
> > [SNIP]
> > 
> > Finally, I modified /etc/rc.d/init.d/mandrake_everytime to change the -d1 to
> > -d0 in the hdparm line and rebooted the machine.
> This only gets used if opti is specified on the cmdline, 

"opti" is not specified on the cmdline.  As above, mandrake_everytime DOES
seem to have an effect on whether DMA is enabled or not at the end of the
> > After the reboot, I again attempted the copy only to be greeted with the
> > same errors followed by:
> >
> > [SNIP] 
> > Thinking that I'd simply bypass the bad judgement on Mandrake's part, I
> > moved to compiling my own kernel.  Once again, I'm hit with a bug:
> > 
> > 2)  Inability to compile a kernel.  Attempting a 'make menuconfig' yields:
> > 
> > [SNIP]
> > 
> > * RPM packaging is supposed to ensure that binary packages are reliably
> >   recreatable using the source package.  If I can't even get the resulting
> >   source to build, how did you manage to compile the thing in the first 
> >   place?
> The cflags get put there by rpm, (there was a non fuctional %post to check
> gcc --version for 2.95+, actualy it functions but only if gcc is
> installed at the time) Have a gander at the src.rpm

Fine, so how did it end up in the distribution if the only gcc package you
ship is gcc-fr?  How did it NOT get caught during testing?  Surely SOMEONE
must have tried to build a kernel!  It's not like it's slightly broke, it
just plain doesn't work.  Blatantly!
> > * Where the hell is the quality testing?!  I've only owned this
> >   distribution for two days and already I've tripped over three bugs that
> >   should not happen.
> > [SNIP]
> > the problem.  Actually, I don't think I've even seen a response from anyone
> > at Mandrake for any of the reported problems.
> You guys really want to download 30+ megs to not have to manual edit a

You guys want to keep hearing the complaints?  It's broke.  Fix it.  Is that
really so difficult to comprehend?  Sheesh, you'd think Mandrake would want
to get that one fixed for sheer "brown paper bag" value.
> > I'm not a clueless, confused, newbie user.  I'm not adverse to fixing these
> > problems myself.  However, I'd prefer the opportunity to shoot MYSELF in the
> > foot prior to Mandrake grabbing the gun and doing it for me.
> > 
> > Well?  You got my money, how about giving me a workable product for it?
> > 
> > Consider putting that on a bulletin board somewhere.  You'd do well to take
> > it to heart.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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