At 01:20 PM 10/21/03, Greg Meyer wrote:

On Tuesday 21 October 2003 12:54 pm, Grant wrote:
> I'll be traveling off and on for the foreseable future, and I don't want to
> bring a laptop.  What I'd like is some kind of a setup that allows me to
> connect to a remote machine that I've set up and use my apps through there
> from Internet cafes.  What do you guys think might work?
> Also, I'm a little paranoid of keystroke loggers in Internet cafes.  I was
> wondering if anyone has created any kind of an application to solve that
> problem.  Maybe an on-screen representation of a keyboard that allows you
> to save your "click-strokes" to the clipboard?
> - Grant

Okay, here's what I do.  The machine I am connecting to, which is in my home
office, is set behind a firewall that is forwarding port 22 for ssh
connections.  Then I run vncserver with fluxbox as the window manager.  I
then carry in my briefcase, a mini cd that has a windows ssh client and the
windows and linux vncviewer.  I use PuTTy for the windows ssh client.  It is
free and very easy to use.

From whatever computer I am at that has Internet access (Windows or Linux), I
can set up an ssh session that forwards the vnc port to the local machine,
and then I use the vncviewer through the ssh tunnel to access my desktop.

In fact, this is how I am typing this email right now. When the rules say you
cannot access personal e-mail at work, us Linux users have an advantage ;-)

Could you provide specifics about command options you use to establish this connection?

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