On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 04:06, HaywireMac wrote:
> I use a Microsoft Intellimouse Optical, and I would never go back to
> balls (insert crude joke here).
Me neither... besides its not so bad being a chick  ;)

> No sign of any delay, very responsive 
> and smoooooooth as...well, something very smooth. If this friend was
> seeing problems with an optical mouse, most likely cause is an
> inappropriate surface, esp something reflective. It needs to be on a
> matte surface (God, NO! not cloth, never ever use a
> fabric/cloth/whatever mousepad, it picks up dirt and oil from your hands
> and it's disgusting...)...sorry, bit of a sticky point with me, that
> one.
> Cordless, I'm not sure about, but make sure you don't have any
> interference nearby, like a cellphone, radio, large block of Plutonium,
> etc.

Many thanks to all who replied.  And with good news too!  Glad to hear 
they're not all like the one I tried.  Now I'm starting to wonder if I did 
indeed use a shiny surface... ummm... most likely I did.  Duh!

Oh well, that settles it then:  a cordless optical mouse.

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