I'm having the exact same problem.  I unistalled the rpm and tried again and
I finally got the icon on the kde panel, but not in the menu system.  When I
re-login as a regular user, the icon is gone.  Do I have to run the setup
for each user?  Is this a matter of group rights?


----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 9:48 AM
Subject: [newbie] StareOffice 5.1 install

> Hi
>   I have Mandrake 6.0 installed and installed StareOffice 5.1 from the
> CD #3. I followed the read me instructions.
>      rpm -i --nodeps StarOffice-5.1_01_516L-1.i386.rpm
>      This installed StarOffice into /opt/Office51
> Next I went from root to my user account and typed
>      /opt/Office51/bin/setup
>      This ran and looked like a windows install, but came back with
> the message. No Java Virtual Machine found. (paraphrased) I continued
> and it seemed to finish ok.
>      There was no KDE menu item found even when I rebooted.
>   Questions:
>        1. Why did it not find a Java-vm? What do I do?
>        2. Why no item to select for StareOffice on KDE menu?
> Any help appriciated?
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