On Sunday 26 October 2003 12:10 am, Franki wrote:

> Tom my man,
> you may have been on cooker for too long dude..
> Most people already have their CDROM be it a 4 dollor POC or
> not..

   Hey buddy
> Not telling people that mandrake will fry their drive is NOT
> gonna help mandrakes public opinion.
> What you say is entirely true, I have worked at the manufacturer
> level so I know you are right..

    I don't believe I said not to tell'em. I reckon my gist was that 
crud hardware is either the vendors or the users fault for buyin 
it.  The vendors put it out there with full knowledge of 
deficiencies. Users, specially new-to-Linux ones, OTOH, seem to be 
ignorant of win-fake-hardware.  Havin it go poof, just seems like a 
good way to get'em acquainted _real fast_ ;>

> Personally I think a hack should be made by mandrake and added to
> the boot kernel to detect the LG units and give a warning.
> Its gonna bite them on the ass otherwise.

   Not a choice, it was after all a kernel.org patch to try'n better 
support DVD drives. Mandrake doesn't have armies of hardware 
combinations to test, other than us. And most of us are here 
because Mandrake is the leading edge distro. And it seems a lot 
tryin to do it on Windoze systems.

> Address the issue of hardware without trashing peoples cdroms and
> your more likely to see some effect...

   Can't agree.  Knowing your hardware and it's suitability for 
anything other than Windoze, has been a user responsibility to work 
with Linux ever since 1991.  Calling junk junk, is just sayin how 
it is. Not how interns are tryin to determine if designers are 
geniuses or if they're motherboard's have shorted out. (recent, 
real dumb ass, too often played, Dell TV commercial here in the 
USA, Franki. Probly advertising is 20 to 30% of the price people 
pay for ready mades). 

   Anyone who has their self worth tied up in their computer 
hardware, needs more help than I can provide anyhow.

> Whats next? having linux fry winmodems? winprinters ?  Western
> Digital hard disks??  as much as I'd like to say thats a good
> idea. considering mandrakes finiancial position I have to say its
> not.

    Is submitting to an OS that encourages win-fake-hardware a 
better idea? I have to say its not.

   Either for Mandrake or hardware. You know we wouldn't even be 
mullin over this if we were talkin about real computers. BUT, 
today, most all people consider laptops and desktops as computers. 
Desktop, or more properly, micro computers uset'a to be decent 
quality stuff. Now'a days, even the best is borderline junk. With 
only the vast majority clamorin for it that caused the decline. 
    Tom Brinkman                  Corpus Christi, Texas

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