When I make aliases, I put them into the /etc/bashrc file, so that no
matter who I login as, I always have them.  Here is how I formatted my

alias ls="ls -Fa --color"

This would alias the "ls" command to show all dot files in color.  Othere
commands should be similar such as:

alias rm="rm -rf"

This would alias the "rm" command to not ask for permission to delete and
do it recursively (including subdirs, maybe a bad thing).

On Thu, 21 Oct 1999, prabhakar+nitika wrote:

> Hi everyone:
> I am trying to set up some aliases for frequently used commands. 
> I have tried adding them to ~/.bashrc and /etc/profile and /etc/bashrc,
> but have not had any luck in getting bash to recognize the aliases.
> Would there be any reason at all that my ~/.bashrc would not get 
> read by bash. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong 
> here??
> Thanks
> prabhakar

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