On Fri, Oct 31, 2003 at 09:56:44PM +0200, Anarky wrote:
> Todd Slater wrote:
> >OK, here you go. As an added bonus, it keeps ID3 tags. Requires mpg123
> >to convert to wav, mp3info to read id3 tags, and of course oggenc.

>    WOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> awesome ... I owe you big time!!!!! thanks a LOT!!! this is an awesome. 
> It also works recursivelly!!! A big surprise was that on my first mp3 I 
> got 5.6mb to 2.8mb compression ... what other ogg qualities are there 
> besides 3? Maybe 4? Up to what? 

Up to 10. 4 is about 128kbs mp3, and since ogg is better, 3 while only
112 kbs sounds like a 128 kbs mp3. So, I use 3 since I don't have a
large drive and I only have a 256MB card for my Zaurus. I suppose man
oggenc will tell more about the quality, maybe check out the vorbis
site. One reason it's hard to say is that the bitrate for oggs is variable.

Anyplace I could find the full technical 
> specs of these qualities? (bitrate & stuff) ? Anyway .. now that i see 
> the script is soooooo cool!!! soo configurable .. and yet so easy to use 
> ... thanks again .. now that I see all this one of these nights and days 
> I think my computer will be working hard ... and the awesome thing is 
> that the script can be stopped at any time without problems :) awesome 
> (I just hope that if I check delete mp3 that's only done until the ogg 
> is done in case I ctrl-c).

Yup, it waits until it's been encoded to wav and ogg before deleting.
Just be careful if you leave your mp3's in the same directory after
stopping it--when you run the script again it will find them and want to
re-encode them.

Glad it works for you :)


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