On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 17:47:01 -0500
HaywireMac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 16:26:54 -0500
> "Ronald J. Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > Hmm, I'd level them all out first. Otherwise you wind up with some
> > louder than others. Can be annoying once you burn it to CD... :-)
> I think it would work out the same either way. Depends on the desired
> end result, and since he asked about *increasing* the volume, which -m
> may in fact *not* do...

I've always used rezound to normalize in a gui environment (just cause
it's point and click.. not that it does any better/worse than CLI)  I
think audacity also has a normalize setting.  I've found the default
settings to be satisfactory in rezound.


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