Schwartz Avi wrote:

On Nov 11, 2003, at 8:21, Ronald J. Hall wrote:

Check it out - very interesting reading.

Unfortunately for the Inquirer, the article is wrong. If you run the "Linux Windows" search you get on the first page indeed 'Results 1-15 of about 18 containing "Linux Windows"' but if you click on Next now it changes to 'Results 16-30 of about 8921757 containing "Linux Windows"'. At the same time, Google gives me 'Results 1 - 10 of about 9,370,000'. So the difference is not as big as claimed. How hard was it for the writer to test it out first?


Yes, but its also possible that microsoft tweaked it when the article was released...
It would be very bad press if mainsteam media noticed it and were able to verify...

We just don't know. which means if MS did tweak it, then they got away with it.



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