On Wednesday 12 Nov 2003 7:10 am, Merlin Zener wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-11-12 at 04:19, Tadimeti Keshav wrote:
> > Hi
> > does the download edition of MDK 9.1 come with
> > programs that can play VCDs?
> > Installing Xine gives me problems with MD5 signs.
> > Mplayer can't play VCDs.
> well, it's supposed to be able to.
> On my system it plays too fast, and the video is all messed up. I
> expect it's some setting I haven't found yet - I haven't looked too
> much so far. If I rip the .dat file to my hard drive and then play
> it, it plays fine.
I have 2 commercially produced vcds, and they play faultlessly.  What 
version of xine are you using?  Mine is 0.9.18.  If you don't have 
the right codecs installed you will not have buttons for the various 
kinds of disk.  The one for vcd is called vcdx - if you don't have 
that you need to get plf set up as one of your sources and search for 
anything that matches your version of xine.  Download everything you 
can find.

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