On Thursday 13 November 2003 08:14 pm, Melissa Reese wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Merlin,
> On Thursday, November 13, 2003, at 3:32:34 AM PST, you wrote:
> > There was a story widely reported in the papers here in Thailand
> > about a Government minister who was locked inside his BMW when it
> > stopped on the highway. Eventually someone had to smash the window
> > with a sledgehammer and he got out.
> That's just bad design, regardless of computer issues (though computer
> issues in computer dependent cars is a real problem). With so many
> cars depending *entirely* upon the electrical system for some very
> basic things (opening and closing windows and/or doors), there's just
> no excuse for no backup "manual" systems. This is, in my mind, a
> simple - and serious - safety issue.
> I always feel really uncomfortable in any car that doesn't at least
> have a totally "manual" way to open the windows from the inside. Of
> course, I still only trust manual transmissions as well, so I must
> just be a Luddite. :-)
Nope just an engineering attitude
Oh Lord Remember Please The The Law by which we live
We can neither Love Pity nor Forgive,
 Make a misteak in handling us You die
                                                Kipling  The Secret of the Machines 
> - --
> Melissa
> PGP public keys:
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> =OA/d

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