On Thursday 13 November 2003 08:57 pm, John Wilson wrote:
> On November 13, 2003 12:53 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
> > Quote from "The Globe and Mail" about the Novell takeover of
> > S.u.S.E. :
> >
> > <quote>
> > There could also be some other moves. Other giants might be thinking
> > Linux too. The financially troubled Mandrake Linux is ripe for
> > plucking, especially by a company such as Hewlett-Packard Co.,
There are some Mandrake Laptops at HP now seems to be an Engineering 
Evaluation thing.
> > which a few weeks ago delayed release of its next version of HP-UX,
> > a version of UNIX, by as much as a year. And then there's Xandros
> > Linux, which just yesterday released a new version, this one
> > offering compatibility with Microsoft Windows programs, including
> > MS Office and MS networks.
> >
> > By the time the dust settles, the Linux shocks will emerge as the
> > most serious challenge Microsoft has ever faced.
> >
> > The earth clearly hasn't finished moving.
> > </quote>
> >
> > Kaj Haulrich.
> Provided that the bulk of the management, developers and community remains
> in place and provided that the desktop focus stays I don't see a problem
> with this.  That said, I'm doubtful it will happen.  Though, of course, I
> thought the same thing about HP snapping up that loser Compaq.
> In many ways it does make sense.  IBM, after being snake bit by M$, isn't
> putting it's eggs in one basket.  Hence the bankrolling of RedHat and the
> kinda backdoor financing of Novell's pick on SuSE.  HP would, then, seem
> logical.
> If such a thing comes to pass there would be reason for M$ to be worried. 
> Two of it's main FUD attacks will be gone.  One that there is no support
> from a major vendor and the second that open source is designed to drive
> profit driven companies out of business.
> The other thing is the sense of inevitability as Linux moves into the
> server and corporate mainstream.  SuSE and Mandrake both lack the resources
> that Red Hat has to compete in that space.  That doesn' t mean that they
> aren't good competitors it's just that Red Hat has a pocket full of
> thousand dollar bills while they're sitting there with 20s.
> Something good will come of all this if these big companies don't forget
> the strength of Linux is in communities and the developers.  If not, well,
> we'll have to wait and see.
> ttfn
> John

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