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Hi HaywireMac,

On Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at 3:41:26 PM PST, you wrote:

> Looks like you have it set not to start X on boot. No problemo. If
> you want to start KDE, the most common desktop for beginners, you
> can just type "kde" and hit enter (after you log in).

Well, the "kde" didn't work for me as I had it set up, so I did the
"Windows weenie" thing, and re-installed Mandrake from the beginning!

This time around, I was careful to be sure that X server would start
the KDE GUI right away...and it's working! :-)

But then...

Even though the installation routine seemed to have no trouble with
the "automatic" configuration of my Internet connections, I can't seem
to connect to the Internet (Konqeror gives me a "host not found" error
if I try to go to a web site).  Also, though I'm usually very good
with setting up email accounts, the particular nomenclature used by
Kmail has me a little confused when it came to the SMTP setup.  Here
are the bits I'm confused about (though, my problem may just have been
my Internet connection setup in general, having nothing to do with my
SMTP setup in Kmail).  Anyway, here are the bits I'd like to be clear

Transport SMTP:
 Port: 25 (I know this one :-))

 Send custom hostname to server

It seems that if I can get my Internet connection and Email set up
properly, I'm on my way!

Thanks to everyone here for all your help and encouragement!  :-)

- -- 

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